halo semuanya selamat malam :D
saya memiliki sebuah judul tugas akhir yang menarik untuk kita simak
kali ini untuk jurusan sastra inggris yang berjudul “CODE-SWITCHING IN COOL JOCKEY’S UTTERANCES IN RCT FM SEMARANG”
saya memiliki sebuah judul tugas akhir yang menarik untuk kita simak
kali ini untuk jurusan sastra inggris yang berjudul “CODE-SWITCHING IN COOL JOCKEY’S UTTERANCES IN RCT FM SEMARANG”
Simbolon, A. Angelus. 2007. Code-switching in Cool Jockey’s Utterances in RCT FM Semarang.
Final Project. English Literature. State University of Semarang.
This final project is aimed at analyzing code-switching that is used by a
cool jockey in his broadcasting. In fact, announcers also use language for some
purpose. They often use more than one language in with slipped English in their
conversation. In broadcasting especially radio program where many young people
listen to presented many languages that is used by turns. One language is
slipped into different one that is called code-switching. It means code-switching
is a change by a speaker (or writer) from one language or language variety to
another. An announcer often did code-switching during broadcasting that it has
function and the background of his language and his code-switching.
The object of this research is the cool jockey’s utterances on Morning
Star program of RCT FM Semarang. It is purposed to identify, classify and
describe the cool jockey’s utterances included in code-switching act and to
find out what is the function of his language, the function of his
code-switching, and the factors that serve as the background of his
code-switching in English. Descriptive research by using qualitative data is
used in this analysis. The methods are developed in the social sciences to
enable researchers to study social and cultural phenomena and events. In this
research, it is completed by appendixes that form transcription from recording
of cool jockey’s broadcasting and also documentary sheet to support data
analysis. The result of the analysis shows that there are 87 cool jockey’s
utterances which are included in code-switching act. Based on the analysis
table, language function is the most representational function (40.42 %),
function of code-switching that the most are addressee specification (25 %) and
facility of expression (25 %), and the background of code-switching that the
most is emphasis (64.37 %). The finding shows no anger expression during
broadcasting of RCT FM Semarang in cool jockey’s utterances of code-switching
because he wants to give good impression, attraction, and entertainment to
listeners as his good service in broadcasting world.
untuk download tugas akhir ini silahkan klik pada link yang tersedia dibawah ini :
Karya Mr. Angelus Agustinus simbolon
semoga bermanfaat^^
Arcia Celestica
10.43 |
Sastra Inggris
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