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kali ini untuk mahasiswa jurusan sastra inggris yang berjudul “THE USE OF CIRCLE GAMES AS A STRATEGY TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ MASTERY IN ENGLISH VOCABULARY (An Action Research In the Case of Elementary School Students of SDN 01 Banyumanik Semarang in the Academic Year 2007/ 2008)”
saya memiliki sebuah judul tugas akhir yang menarik untuk kita simak
kali ini untuk mahasiswa jurusan sastra inggris yang berjudul “THE USE OF CIRCLE GAMES AS A STRATEGY TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ MASTERY IN ENGLISH VOCABULARY (An Action Research In the Case of Elementary School Students of SDN 01 Banyumanik Semarang in the Academic Year 2007/ 2008)”
Kurniawan Yudhi N. 2007. The
Use of Circle Games as a Strategy to Improve the Student’s Mastery in English
Vocabulary: An Action Reseach in the Case of Elementary School Students of SDN
01 Banyumanik Semarang. Final project, English education program bachelor
degree, Semarang State University.
Advisor: I. Dr. Dwi Anggani.L.
B, M. Pd, II. Maria Johana Ari W, SS, M.si.
Key words: Circle Game,
Vocabulary Teaching Strategy, The 4th Graders of Elementary School.
This final project was about the use of circle games in teaching English vocabulary
related to noun for 4th graders of SD 01 Banyumanik Semarang 2007/2008.
Teaching vocabulary to elementary school students was not an easy job. It
needed a lot of creativity. The objective of the study was to describe what
circle game was like and how it worked in the learning process and to find out
the students’ achievement in vocabulary related to noun. It was expected that
this study would be useful for English teachers and their students in the
language learning process.
The elementary school students had different characteristics from adult.
They were the learners who were typically easy to get bored and loose their
interest after several minutes. A teacher at this level had his own challenge
to motivate them to learn constantly so that the result of the study expected
could be gained maximally.
The target of the study was the students of SDN 01 Banyumanik Semarang 2007/2008.
There were 47 students (31 girls and 16 boys). I took all of them as the subject
of this study. The technique used to gain the data was an action research. In collecting
primary data, I carried out 5 cycles, at the first cycle, I conducted a
pretest, in the second up to three, and I took a role in these cycles by
presenting circle game in teaching vocabulary related to noun. An assessment
test was also given at the end of the activities on the second and third cycle
after the teaching process completely done, it was aimed to measure the
students’ understanding toward the lesson given. At the fourth cycle, the
post-test was given. The item of the test was the same like in the pre-test.
The last cycle was the cycle of fifth, in this section a questionnaire sheet
was given to know the students responses toward the teaching process.
The result of the study showed that the students’ progress in mastering vocabulary
related to noun during the activity was really good. The achievement of the
students in learning vocabulary through this way was improved. It was supported
by the significant result of the test. The average achievement of the students
was 68% at the pre-test, 89% at first cycle, 94% at second cycle and 83% at the
post test. The main factor that affected this improvement was the students
really interested in learning English through circle game.
Based on the result of the study, I suggested that the use of circle game
can be an alternative way to teach the language learner, especially to improve
the students’ mastery in vocabulary. This result hopefully would motivate
language teacher to use circle game in teaching English in the classroom,
especially when teaching English vocabulary to the level of elementary school
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Karya Mr. Kurniawan Yudhi Nugroho
semoga bermanfaat^^
Arcia Celestica
02.55 |
Sastra Inggris
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